Saturday, March 25, 2006

Next Generation AJAX Applications

I started this blog last year inspired by my first impression of an AJAX application, Google Maps, and how I thought it would disruptively change the future of software. Well, I got my first glimpse of that promising Web 2.0 future application in the form of a beta AJAX applications called AJAXwrite 0.9 which is an MS-Word clone developed by Linspire. You have got to see this thing.

I was totally surprised at how fast AJAXwrite loads, in 6 seconds. This is due to its relatively small size of 400 kb as stated on the web site. It looks nothing like first generation AJAX applications such as Google Maps and Yahoo! Mail. These apps tend look and feel like rich browser based applications. The first generation AJAX apps have a few issues with load times in my experience. AJAXwrite looks and feels more like a traditional GUI native application that utilizes the browser engine as its platform. In my case I am using Mozilla Firefox. AJAXwrite still has some maturing to do but for a proof of concept or beta as everyone calls these today, it really shows what is possible.

Just as I predicted, AJAX is the disruptive technology that changes everything on the web. If AJAXwrite 0.9 is the trend of things to come this year, we will see some exciting new web based software that will redefine what a web application is.

I wonder what frameworks are being used to make AJAXwrite work? I need to do some research into this because for such a rich AJAX application, it sure does provide a lot of the rich client widgets and capabilities that I am accustomed to building in non-browser GUI application development.

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