Sunday, April 11, 2010

Adobe's New Development Tools for 2010

Adobe is moving in the right direction with Flash Builder 4 based what I have read. "Adobe Launches Flash Builder 4" provides a good overview of its features. There is a new component framework supported in this release called, Spark. Here is a brief Spark overview and a sample Spark application.

Of real interest is the Catalyst expressive design tool mentioned. Read more about Catalyst in the Adobe Labs.

Father of Java Resigns and Comtemplates the Future

This is a notable news item more for historical purposes of the Java technology ecosystem, "Father of Java" Resigns from Sun/Oracle. My initial reaction to this is a bit of sadness since John Gosling has been a instrumental leader for Java technology. I wonder if IBM or Google is talking with Mr. Gosling. He will be missed but I think his decision is a good one.

The future of Java innovation and where Gosling ends up will be something to watch. Here is John Gosling's blog entry announcing his decision. I think this graphic says it all.