Thursday, October 20, 2005

OpenOffice 2.0 is released!

If you are not already a user of you should be. I have been using this open source software since the 1990s when it was owned by a German company, StarOffice, and developed for OS/2. Yeah, I was a serious OS/2 user in the 1990s also. 1.1 was the version that solved most of the compatibility problems with Microsoft Office file formats for me. I have been using OpenOffice 1.1 interchangeably with MS Office files with relatively few issues.

OpenOffice 2.0 now adds a desktop SQL database, HSQLDB, and which is a 100% Java database engine. I have used HSQLDB in Java projects and it is pretty decent. I have not tried OpenOffice 2.0 while it was in beta. Now that the official release it out, I intend to upgrade and start working with the new and improved software.

From what I understand, OASIS OpenDocument is now the XML file format that is used by OpenOffice. This is a move to an open format so that file format lock-in (i.e. MS-Office) does not continue to plague the computer world in the future.

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