Monday, October 31, 2005

The Architect of C#

Anders Hejlsberg, the architect of C#, granted a rare interview (part 1), (part 2), that was posted at OnDotNet. C# is now roughly 5-years old and is the foundation for the Microsoft .NET framework. Hejlsberg makes some interesting points about the future of C#, Java and programming.

The significance of Anders Hejlsberg is that he is also the architect of Borland Delphi. He was instrumental in getting that project implemented while working for Borland. Given these credentials, C# as a language is well thought out for a complex framework. C# looks a lot like Java based on what I've seen.

I have to contemplate the evolution of languages where more complexity vs. simplicity seems to be the front-lines today. The advent of Ruby on Rails and AJAX will have a large impact on future directions of languages. The 'dynamic' languages appear to fit the need for faster, agile, and cleaner development.

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