Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back after a few months in the Google+ Realm

I've been playing in the Google+ space since I joined it back in June when it was invitation only. Since then I have really slacked off on posting anything to my blogs. I have even almost stopped 'tweeting' and find myself spending less and less time on Facebook. Google+ I can say has become a place where I spend a lot of time not just lurking and doing nothing like I would do on Facebook, but actually having discussions on various subjects with people about topics that interest me.

I like the ability to be expressive in G+ with longer posts and the capability to add font effects and multiple links within a G+ post. This has long been an issue I've had with FB and Twitter. The 140-character limit in Twitter has always been a constraint that I have found frustrating at times and at other times a blessing when I was a at a lost for concise words. I think I like the balance that G+ represents which is be as expressive as you want or as concise as you want. Just be expressive.

I find that G+ has been replacing what and where I used to spend my time on the social media net (ex. Facebook, Twitter, etc..). What I have been experiencing these past few months can be summed up a 'new way' to spend my time on the 'social web' that blends research, socialization, technology, politics, techno-politics, local news, and news that interests me.

I have recently just realized a way to bring blogs back into my social web and the G+ experiment. It's taken a few months but now I think I see where blogs and G+ can and will coexist.

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