Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) at Home

I think it's time to migrate to a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) model at home. At least the thoughts are brewing around my head. The primary problem is cost. I wonder if there are low-cost or FOSS solutions to this problem? Maybe using VMware, VirtualBox in conjunction with Chromoting/VNC, web applications, elastic cloud services to make all this happen. At this point, I haven't put a lot of thought to it but I can envision the need as we continue evolving forward in the Generation M2 (media multitasking) world.

At any rate, I see the need since the proliferation of computing devices seems to be exploding in my household. In the past few years we now have Android, Linux, iOS, Chrome OS, Mac OS, Windows, and cloud-apps, in use on a daily basis. Additionally, on the family/personal entertainment side there is DS, PS3, Wii, GameCube, PS2, etc. etc. We live in a post PC ubiquitous computing environment where traditional OSs such as Linux, Mac OS, and Windows make up an ever increasing smaller portion of the platforms we use on a daily basis.

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